Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Adrian Biddle, 53, Dead

Today Adrian Biddle, the cinematographer for V for Vendetta died of a heart attack at the age of 53. This will be the final film shot by Biddle. The film industry has lost a great man. We should consider ourselves lucky that we will have one last chance to see his work.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Press Conferences

Issues surrounding the film prompted the cast and filmmakers to attend several press conferences. These issues included the film's authenticity, Alan Moore's reaction to it and its intended political message. What was made clear by the press conference was that the film was meant to be a departure from Moore's original themes and intentions. Hugo Weaving stated that: "Alan Moore was writing about something which happened some time ago. It was a response to living in Thatcherite England... This is a response to the world in which we live today. So I think that the film and the graphic novel are two separate entities."

When asked about the controversial political content of the film the filmmakers said that the purpose of the film was to raise questions and add to a dialogue already present in today's society. As opposed to giving the answers and telling the viewers what to think.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005


Over this entire time I have yet to discuss the cast of the much anticipated movie.

Towards the beginning of filming James Purefoy was originally cast as V but found it difficult to breath wearing the mask so he left six weeks into filming. In his place Hugo Weaving was cast. During the movie some scenes of V will be played by Purefoy but with Weaving's voice dubbed over.
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Portraying Evey Hammond will be Natalie Portman. In the graphic novel Evey was a very unintelligent character. According to reports they've rewritten the character so as to have her be more involved in what's happening around her. Also, Portman has shaved her head for the part.
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Stephen Rea will be playing Chief Inspector Eric Finch
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In the more minor roles are:
John Hurt as High Chancellor Adam Sutler
Stephen Fry as Gordon Deitrich
Tim Pigott-Smith as Peter Creedy
Natasha Wightman as Valerie Page
Roger Allam as Lewis Prothero

Many of the actors and actresses signed on to be in the movie because of the ideas and themes presented in the movie and because of how it criticizes modern day government and their stand on certain points such as gay rights and chemical warfare.

Monday, June 6, 2005

Wrapping Up

Today, principle photography officially finished today.

A scene filmed at Westminster required the area from Trafalgar Square and Whitehall up to the Parliament buildings and Big Ben to be closed for three nights from midnight to 5 am. Helping the filmmakers to acquire this unheardof filming access was Euan Blair, son of Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, who worked on the film's production.
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The content of the film drew criticism of Tony Blair from MP David Davis. The filmmakers are insisting though, that Euan Blair had nothing to do with it and that the rights were obtained through 9 months of negotiations with 14 different government departments and agencies.

According to the filmmakers, the most difficult part of filming was bringing V to life underneath an expressionless mask. To correct this lighting, acting and Weaving's voice were brought together to create the proper mood for the situation. A microphone was placed inside the mask to prevent Weaving's voice from being muffled and to help in post production.

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Filming officially begins

Today filming of the V for Vendetta movie officially begins.
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The movie will be filmed in London, UK and in Potsdam, Germany at Babelsberg Studios. Much of the film will be filmed on sound stages and indoor sets. Certain scenes will be filmed on location in Berlin including scenes at Larkhill. The unused Aldwych tube station will be the site where the scenes involving the abandoned London Underground will be filmed.