Unhappy with his lack of involvement with the writing and directing of the movie, Alan Moore, writer of the V for Vendetta graphic book, has officially disassociated himself with the project. Also contributing to his decision was the disappointment he faced from the previous adaptations of his work: From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Also, after DC Comics' corporate parent, Warner Bros., failed to take back statements about Moore supporting the movie, he ended his collaboration with DC Comics.
Moore is believed to have said that the plot contained plot holes. He also believed that the way that the plot runs clashes with his original theme. The original intention of the graphic novel was to have two political extremes(fascism vs. anarchism) fight each other. The way Moore sees it, is that the script now plots "current American neo-conservatism vs. American liberalism."
David Lloyd however, the co-creator and illustrator, endorses the film adaptation and believes the script is "very good" and that "Moore would only ever be truly happy with a complete book-to-screen adaptation"